

❤️芝麻——通过Pi KYB认证,已上线Pi,国区可交易,点此注册!

⭐欧易——通过Pi KYB认证,已上线Pi,国区限制,点此注册!



We just finished adding several more nodes in the candidate group that is running the blockchain. Today we primarily made the selection based on the % of time ports are found open and the % availability. This is only a provisional selection and further criteria will be applied again later. However, we are aware that our current node version is working better in some computer setups (e.g. windows 10 and MacOS), so some nodes will experience issues. On Friday we will see which of those nodes worked fine and which experienced issues and we will remove the ones with issues so that we can spare them from continuous restarting of their containers. We will try adding them again later once we improve and fix things.

我们刚刚在运行区块链的候选组中添加了几个节点。今天,我们主要根据发现端口处于打开状态的时间百分比和可用性百分比来进行选择。这只是临时选择,以后将再次应用其他条件。但是,我们知道当前的节点版本在某些计算机设置(例如Windows 10和MacOS)中可以更好地运行,因此某些节点会遇到问题。在星期五,我们将看到哪些节点工作正常,哪些节点出现问题,我们将删除那些有问题的节点,以便使它们免于连续重新启动其容器的麻烦。我们会在改进和修复问题后再尝试再次添加它们。

@nicolas Maybe you can help, my node was selected for the candidate group about 2 months ago, then, 2 weeks ago for no reason the consensus container exited and the dummy has been running since. I’ve lost my >97% availability on the concensus and no one appears to be able to help.

也许您可以帮忙,大约2个月前就选择了我的节点作为候选组,然后2周前就无故退出了共识容器,并且虚拟机一直在运行。我在共识中失去了> 97%的可用性,而且似乎没有人能够提供帮助

@SiHill should be fixed now. try it


@nicolas Hi,

My percentage is 85% ports are open with dynamic ip. Changed node once a while. How long I have to wait to run the consensus container?


@Sharat probably next week.


@nicolas Fantastic! Containers swapped and synching back up with the blockchain. Are you able to tell me the reason for what suddenly happened?


@SiHill People have reported that after a power outage this happens to windows computers we suspect it has something to do with a file corruption that makes your computer look like a new node. So I just re-enabled you.


@nicolas I’ve seen this asked alot but is just ignored for some reason

Do we have any idea what specs will be required for supernodes? Or are we still getting that figured out?



@Ss19922015 It depends on the load of the network in the future. We are benchmarking this. But it should be nowhere near what you need for bitcoin. An important aspect for supernodes is a good internet connection with open ports and ideally not an IP that changes frequently.


can anyone tell me when phase 3 will starting please ?


@Julian98 Mainnet is phase 3. We aim to get this done in the coming year. Will have many milestones, some of which require people to take actions, e.g. setup their Private Keys for their wallets in the Pi Blockchain (we will help with the interface to do it), and decentralized KYC if possible. Mainnet

是第3阶段。我们的目标是在明年完成这项工作。将有许多里程碑,其中一些要求人们采取行动,例如 在Pi区块链中为他们的钱包设置他们的私钥(我们将通过界面帮助您做到这一点),并在可能的情况下去中心化KYC。

Hello, my name contains non English characters , so the english representation isn’t correct.what should I do ?


@Stirlingite for minor issues like this we have been considering solutions.


@nicolas Hello   Nice to see you there with us !


@HoussemK hi. good to be here. I can’t stay too long right now though.

你好 很高兴来到这里。我现在不能呆太久。

@nicolas Hello, I’m glad to see that you are interacting. When I first registered for PI, because the mobile phone version was too low, the security circle couldn’t be added. Then I changed my daughter’s mobile phone and added a safety circle. Will this be marked


@yh5885288 Our algorithm is much more sophisticated than that. Don’t worry.


@trippreed I just created a “Pinned Messages” category here, and we can pin important messages and announcments. Let’s see if it would be useful (need to exist the channel and come back to see it)


@nicolas Sir my availability is 98.23% I am running node since 9 June. I have used VPN to open port, due to this my IP chenged frequently and some time ports were not open due to VPN disconnection, sir will i get chance to run consensus cuntener in comming days?? Please help me����������


@suppersai let me check you open port score


@suppersai It is ranging between 30%-40% of the time ports are found open. It’s low but better than zero. You will be added before people with zero


@nicolas I run pi node from Jun, 19, but replaced PC with a powerful one in September, Till now the avaliability is 95+, nad ports opened as requried. Is it ok to be selected as node?

我从19年6月开始运行pi node,但在9月用功能强大的PC取代了PC,直到现在可用性达到95+,并根据需要打开了nad端口。可以选择作为节点吗?

@aaafun Average ports reachable 76.4%. You are very close.


@nicolas hi Doctor! For your pi ecosystem building, can I only using pi to traveling abroad in future?


@pwl0113 Pioneers are all over the world, it would be great if another Pioneer could rent you an available room in their house for Pi in the future


@nicolas Hello Doctor, some of the people invited on my account stopped digging. I accidentally pressed the report button. I have now cancelled the report. They are all real people. They just didn’t see the benefits and stopped digging. I Will your account be used as a fake account? This is my father’s account. My account cannot send messages in this chat room, so I use my father’s account to send messages. My account is @dkjd29

我帐户中邀请的一些人停止挖掘。我不小心按下了报告按钮。我现在已经取消了报告。他们都是真实的人。他们只是没有看到好处而已停止挖掘。我将您的帐户用作假帐户吗?这是我父亲的帐户。我的帐户无法在此聊天室中发送消息,因此我使用父亲的帐户发送消息。我的帐户是@ dkjd29

@yi1213 no problem. you caneled the report.


@nicolas I want get KYC before pinetwork launched


@Afif1999 hopefull everyone will.


@nicolas Dr. I report all of Non-Active Pioneers in my earning team as a fake account, does this affect my Account?


@vjmineralesgamuyao I would advise againse reporting inactive members as fake unless they are actually fake. yes your account might be flagged by our algorithm as “strange” if you have reported a large number of people who are are actually real.


@nicolas Port full open 100day’s with 93.77% availability still not enough…ashame


@gunner2022 We are adding people as fast as we can, while running multiple tests at the same time. Remember even Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency, has only 7K nodes. We have 60K+ and if we turn them on all at the same tiime there may be undesired outcomes (e.g. a slow network, or not enough supernodes to support nodes, etc). Don’t loose your faith, we are ramping up.

我们正在尽可能快地增加人员,同时运行多个测试。请记住,即使第二大加密货币以太坊也只有7K个节点。我们有60K +,如果我们以相同的时间将它们全部打开,则可能会有不希望的结果(例如,网络速度慢或没有足够的超级节点来支持节点等)。不要失去您的信念,我们正在加紧努力。

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