




今天注定是忙碌的一天,所有的派友都在等待今天的到来,因为尼古拉斯以前在公告中说今天会出测试钱包,而且当时尼古拉斯说已近迫不及待了!我想所有的派友也已经是迫不及待了。那这个测试钱包是面向所有派友的还是部分派友的,让我们 拭目以待。按照以往的惯例,尼古拉斯公布的时间很少能够准时兑现,希望今天能够准时兑现吧。昨天尼古拉斯在开发者频道回答派友提问,说了好多话,有几句话是劲爆你眼球的。让我们一起回顾一下:

@18909563535 Bequeathalis a fair needIn the future we shall create a way for a person to define their descendants in advance and a process for passingon the fundstothem(EgAfter1+month long delay and the declaration of 2+ survivorsthat the person they are inheriting from deceased)



@Marquantus l am extremely excited about the project. I think we are doing really well. It will take every Pioneer to achieve something great.



Hi. i just wanna ask. If the wallet is a test wallet does that mean the Privat keys is also a test and not permanent? i mean is the private key will be reset in the future? Hope for your kind respond.


@Dada89 You will most likely be able to keep your private key for later. Unless we need to make significant changes to the wallet which require resetting the keys too. (We just had one such change two days ago)

@ Dada89您很可能可以保留您的私钥以备后用。除非我们需要对钱包进行重大改动,这也需要重置钥匙。(两天前我们刚刚有了一个这样的变化)

Every time you change your private key (passphrase) your public key (wallet address) changes too.


The Pi wallet can support multiple assets under the same passphrase. Eg both Test-Pi and Pi.


@nicolas how can we ghange our key in wallet


@khansf There is an option to reset the wallet on the login screen. You can reset it and get free test-Pi only once per week though, to protect the testnet faucet from abuse.


@nicolas Hey nicolas it would be great if you implement this. When we place the cursor in recipient address field it should show the suggestion list of public keys/username to which I have sent test pi recently.


@arjunvuppa Good idea. Please add it to the feedback topic in the wallet testing chatroom so that we don’t forget it.


@nicolas 12 word mnemonics are safe enough. There is no need to get 24 mnemonics, which will only increase the risk of backup errors

@nicolas 12单词记忆法足够安全。不需要获得24个助记符,这只会增加备份错误的风险

@LTLJ I agree. We will allow people to optionally save their keys in their secure keychains on their phones too, for additional security and to avoid losing it.


@nicolas Click the generate key and it won’t show the private key page and skip to input page. windows 10,just only click the generate key and it skip the process of showing

@nicolas单击生成密钥,它不会显示私钥页面,而是跳到输入页面。windows 10,只需点击生成键,它就跳过了显示的过程

@nicolas Generation of private key is skipped by itself, we can’t know our private key with this issue, it should be fixed otherwise lots of people need to wait 7 days.


@0205miss Can you please explain to me exactly how it is skipped. We cannot reproduce the issue. What windows version is it? What exactly the person did? And a screenshot of the screen it lands after the skip would be great.


@OfficialMSI I even can’t get my private key how can I login


@0205miss Does it show the show page for a few seconds and then skip to input page or jumps to input page directly?


I really want to have KYC places

我真的很想拥有KYC places

@Maruixuezi KYC Invitaton is selected by AI algorithm randomly based on pioneer’s contributions to Pi Community. Everyone will get a chance to verify – KYC before the mainnet. The goal of the Core Team – no to left any true pioneers behind unless you’re a fake, bot or possess multiple accounts: In case of them:: their account will burned in a batches before the mainnet. No need to panic if you hadn’t get a chance to verify KYC; even if your colleagues had verified theirs, soon or later everyone Will and it’s a must..

@Maruixuezi KYC邀请由AI算法根据先锋对Pi社区的贡献随机选择。每个人都有机会验证——KYC在主网之前。核心团队的目标——不要留下任何真正的先锋,除非你是一个假的、机器人或拥有多个账户:万一他们……他们的账户将在主网之前被成批烧毁。如果你没有机会去验证KYC,没有必要惊慌;即使你的同事已经核实了他们的,迟早每个人都会,这是必须的..

@Hillsonjamie Phase 3 – Mainnet

When the community feels the software is ready for production, and it has been thoroughly tested on the testnet, the official mainnet of the Pi network will be launched. An important detail is that, in the transition into the mainnet, only accounts validated to belong to distinct real individuals will be honored. After this point, the faucet and Pi network emulator of Phase 1 will be shut down and the system will continue on its own forever. Future updates to the protocol will be contributed by the Pi developer community and Pi’s core team, and will be proposed by the committee. Their implementation and deployment will depend on nodes updating the mining software just like any other blockchains. No central authority will be controlling the currency and it will be fully decentralized. Balances of fake users or duplicate users will be discarded. This is the phase when Pi can be connected to exchanges and be exchanged for other currencies.



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