Don’t verify your identity on Yoti before you get a call for KYC invitaton. Nicolas said, you may never be invited to verify your KYC using that method- they are still working on aiming to provide KYC for all Pioneers at no to low cost solution as possible and CT is getting complained from Yoti that many Pioneers are using Yoti to verify their identity before the get KYC invitation. So, please educate yourself about this situation and spread the message in your community that don’t use Yoti app before you get KYC invitation by this method. If you do get called by this method, you can verify your identity withinn 20 minutes. So, let’s say no Yoti before KYC invitation!
新的kyc方案已经在路上,目前测试版pi wallet各项回调指标均在正常范围内,也就是说,第一代pi wallet可以说是已经成功上线,现在就差谷歌商店的准许了。pi wallet上线后,下一阶段将会是新的kyc方案,因此大家安心等待,最多一直两个月。核心团队会给我们一个全新的方案。