Why are the Pi Wallet and Pi Browser bundled together?Having the wallet inside the Pi Browser App will ultimately allow future Pi Apps and traditional businesses to easily integrate Pi Payments and interact with the Pi blockchain. This will enable Pioneers to have seamless decentralized web experiences, i.e. easily perform Pi blockchain transactions when visiting specific Pi App websites. This is a big evolution of the Pi Utilities platform and the Core Team’s effort on building the Pi ecosystem. The Core Team will determine with the community’s feedback as to whether we will maintain two mobile apps (i.e. mining app and browser app) or merge them into one in the future.
目前核心团队推出pi钱包意欲何为,大家可想而知,pi钱包背后是千万级用户,一旦商业程序入驻,流量与生态程序必定会摩擦出激烈的火花。这只是目前的千万级用户,假以时日,pi活跃用户破亿, 那又会是什么样的场面。