we have made tremendous progress in his absence, as evidenced by all the milestones we achieved without him during the past 9 months. Such milestones include the launch of Nodes and Testnet, soon will be releasing wallet to node candidates, more than 12k fully functional nodes around the world, extra 100k slots of free KYC is already being
on deployment, untill now more than 102K Pioneers had verifed their KYC, Wallet is already released to Pioneers (Pi Browser) for testing For Mobile Phones and Pioneers with computers are already playing with wallet using Pi node app, the release of the developer platform .
过去我们取得了巨大的进步,包括节点和Testnet的推出,很快将向节点候选人发布WALLET,全球有超过12k个功能齐全的节点,额外的100K空闲KYC插槽已经在部署中,直到现在已经有超过102K的先锋验证了他们的KYC,开发者平台和初始第三方app的发布,第一次全球Pi大会,我们跨越1800万大关的网络的增长,核心团队的增长,在年底推出Mainnet。 核心团队一直在推动Pi的愿景,打造我们的技术,他们比以往任何时候都更加努力,比以往任何时候都更加致力于让Pi在全球获得成功。