Thank you for participating in the In-App Transfe er (IAT) Pilot program. lt was helpful to see the different kinds of activity that occurred with this ability. The lAT fe ature will be terminated at Mainnet phase, as all Pione ers will be able to do Peer-to-Peer transfers on the bloc kchain through their wallet. To prepare for the migratior to the Mainnet, the lAT feature will have to stop functio ningbefore the Mainnet migration. So, we will turn of this feature soon. We appreciate your understanding and patience during the period of migration.
感谢您参与应用内传输器(IAT)试点计划。对我们在这种不同类型的测试活动中很有帮助的。后一阶段将在Mainnet阶段终止,因为所有Pione将能够通过他们的钱包在Block kchain上进行点对点转账。为了准备迁移到主网,后面的测试转账功能必须在主网迁移之前停止运行。所以,我们很快就会关闭这一功能。我们感谢您在测试期间的理解和支持。